About Us

Welcome to Klime Gallery!

We are passionate about bringing unique artistic and sustenable products to art enthusiasts.

Founded by Adrian-Silviu S., in 2024, our Gallery is located in Storegade 4, Hvidbjerg 7790 Thyholm, you can visit us daily and enjoy the show arts and artist LIVE or you can just order your masterpiece online and we wil make sure that it's delivered to you in very great time and condition.



At Klime Gallery we strive to offer a curated and unique selection of sustainable art pieces and artists that not only inspire you with their story behind but also contribute to a greener future.

As a Sustenable Art Gallery, we understand the importance of preserving our planet while indulging in the beauty of art.

Join us in our mission to promote sustainable art and make a difference.

Thank you for choosing Klime and helping us to become a Sustenable Art Gallery.